Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hello school? I'm calling in sick and tired

I can't believe I'm not even halfway through this semester and I'm already burned out. I am so, so sick of school. Sick of it. I'm sick of circling the parking lot like a shark circling its prey at 2 miles per hour for a parking spot. I'm sick of hauling my backpack around like a damn turtle shell attached to my back all the freakin' time. I'm sick of said backpack giving me back sweat. I'm sick of my butt going numb from sitting for hours on end and sick on holding my pee because I'm too terrified of pissing off my instructors to get up and leave class to use the restroom. I'm sick of eating my meals out of an insulated lunch bag or buying some soggy overpriced sandwich on campus. I'm sick of taking notes at warp speed on my lap top-I swear sometimes I can see smoke coming off my fingers. I'm sick of trying to read my awful notes afterwards too. In my haste to take down notes I don't even bother with spelling, AND I'm not a great typer which means come test time, I'm asking my friends to try and decipher what the hell I typed. I'm sick of taking four bags to school with me every morning: backpack, lunch bag, gym bag, purse. I'm sick of hauling 75 lbs around on my back all day. I'm sick of using the gym at school where I am constantly reminded I am only getting older. I'm sick of panicking on Mondays and Wednesdays because I think it's Tuesday or Thursday. I'm sick of panicking on Tuesday and Thursday because I think it's Monday or Wednesday. I'm sick of the fashion show at school. Can't we all just agree to look like crap? I'm sick of paying $200.00 for a book I will get maybe $25.00 for when I sell it back. I'm sick of my idea of a current event being the funny thing my professor said in class. I'm sick of being slave to my day planner and tests and papers and presentations. I'm sick of listening to the sound of my own voice while giving a presentation I know my classmates are praying will end soon so they can text or surf the web on their I-phones. I'm sick of listening to students try to outsmart each other in their presentations so they can impress the professor by including the name of a 45 syllable long chemical no one has ever heard of. But most of all, I'm sick of wearing myself out, spreading myself thin and working myself silly just so I can, at the end of it all, apply for an internship I probably won't get and IF I do, I will have to pay $14,000.00 for. I have to keep telling myself this is all going to be worth it in the end, but-and I'm not sure you caught this-I'm getting real sick and tired of being exhausted all the time and having no idea what is going on "out there". I love learning, and I do love being in school-usually. It's only one more year, and I'll make it through. But seriously, I want my life back, please.


  1. Wow, Anj...I wanna know how u really feel....REALLY! Good luck with your final yr!

  2. I'm not Anonymous......well maybe..Just "Duck" from high school...laughing hysterically at ur crazy schedule and ur unfortunate back sweat...I think they might make a pill 4 that!
