Saturday, September 4, 2010

Coconut water

I love this stuff. We have a farmer's market on campus every Thursday and I always trot myself over to the Peace Pies booth to grab some. It's so refreshing and delicious. I needed the facts.
Coconut water is different that coconut milk. Water can only be found in the young, baby coconuts and is the liquid in the center. Coconut milk is the liquid which comes from an adult coconut's flesh. According to the ADA , one cup of coconut milk has 46 calories, less than .5 grams of fat, is a good source of fiber , magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. One cup also has 252 mg of sodium and 9 grams of carbohydrate.

The content of the electrolytes in coconut water is more than likely the reason it is marketed as a sports drink but with the frequency with which you can find it now, it looks like people are warming up to coconut water for all kinds of reasons.

Don't worry, you don't need to find yourself a baby coconut, drill and hole in the top and stick a straw in there to enjoy coconut water. It's fun, but it does look a little strange to be cruising around with a coconut in your hand. Coconut water is sold in cans, cartons and probably other clever packaging I'm not aware off. Since it's pasteurized, there is no need to worry about food borne illness, but it will go bad after a day or two in the fridge.

Anyone else noticing this stuff popping up more frequently in their neighborhood?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. Your posts are thoughtful and the sharing of your research is appreciated.
