Monday, August 30, 2010

Only me

I'm going to use the blog today for something I try not to use blogging for, venting. But I've seriously had it today. So here I go....

Today was the first day of school for me at State. I'm actually looking forward to going back to class as I feel like lately my brain has decomposed into a useless pile of mush. Let me rephrase that last statement, I was looking forward to going back to school, until I got on campus today.

ust a quick back story, for anyone that knows me at all, you know I have a tendency to get yelled at by everyone, at any time, for no particular reason. I happen to think it's for one of two (or possibly a combination of both) reasons.

1) I am a girl. I know. Shocking but true. Half the people who yell at me would never talk to a man that way. I'm not trying to play the damsel in distress card here, I'm just saying if I were able to physically defend myself people would mess with me less. 2)I look young. I think people assume I'm a lot younger than I am and therefore that makes me...dumb? a door mat? Not sure, but that is the second part of my theory. Anyway,two weeks ago a lady yelled at me at the gas station because she felt I stole her pump, she was so out of control her boyfriend kept apologizing and finally stuffed her back in the car. A week before that a guy FREAKED out at me because I almost went out of turn at a four way stop. Repeat: almost. I stopped and let him go, I wasn't sure what was going on so I started going, yadda, yadda, stopped and let him go. But man oh man he was upset. He followed me for almost a mile yelling out his window all sorts of profanities I would reserve for someone who just ate my first born. A few months before that, a lady yelled at me on the trolley for biting my nails. She actually called me a bitch. For biting my nails. I can't make this stuff up. I could go on, but you get the idea. As mentioned in a previous post, I am a crap-magnet.

So today, I get up to campus and use the restroom. Brace yourself here this is going to get not only gross, but incredibly stupid. I exit my stall-post toilet flushing -and begin doing the typical girly thing in the mirror by messing with my hair. Some very angry woman comes in to the now crowded restroom and GRABS MY ARM to tell me "Hey, you need to flush your toilet. You didn't flush and I'm not using that stall until you flush."

Stop music.

My first reaction was that I wanted to punch her squarely in her hideous face. Who does this chic think she is for God's sakes?? Also, I am extremely embarrassed. And for the record folks, I did flush okay. The toilets are automatic flushers for one, and for another, I am a flusher!! The toilets at school-or some of them at least- are old and don't always get it all the down. So yes, remnants of my seat liner may have been corroding little miss toilet Nazis pristine bathroom going experience. But seriously? So back to the dialogue:

Me: "I did flush it. If you have a problem with it use another stall."
Stupid lady: "You're so disgusting. I'm not using that stall until you flush it."
At this point she is standing RIGHT behind me as I am fighting every urge to tell this woman where to go and how to get there.
Me:" Then don't use it. I really don't care."
So now another girl has entered the restroom and goes to walk into the stall in question when dummy says to her "Don't go in there, this gross person over here won't flush the toilet."
Me:"Excuse me why don't you take your crazy a$$ somewhere else? And I did flush," I say apologetically to the girl next to me, who is caught between being horrified and amused.
SL: "You're nasty, I can't believe you won't flush the toilet. You're so rude. You're SO RUDE!"
I am really trying to ignore her but now she is shouting. About a toilet. Not her toilet. Not my toilet. A toilet in a public restroom. And I am beyond humiliated because now everyone around me thinks I am an inconsiderate non-flusher and I have this woman literally breathing down my neck and yelling at me about something so ludicrous.

Me: Laughing"Lady, you are so crazy."
SL:"Nasty. You are so nasty. God you are so gross."
I am not going to repeat what I said before I stormed out and had to go find another restroom to go wash my hands.

The whole stupid thing ruined my day. Of course I spent the rest of my afternoon running through the zingers I should have said, which is not good at all for my little aura. The whole thing also sort of made me think, and I realize this may being a bit dramatic here, but honestly, what is the matter with people? What is wrong with people that they feel it's okay to just walk up and talk to someone like that? For no reason? Ordinarily I would laugh it off but today I'm just plain old annoyed. I hope that lady had not toilet paper. So there.

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