Thursday, January 13, 2011

Post-partying points

I realize this post may come a little late as most of those nursing a hangover are well into the "thank God that's over with" phase, but I came across a few tips I thought I'd share for future recovery.

Graduate school has turned me into many things, and a cynic is one of them. I tend to feel as though most people are lying to me, and the ones that aren't lying probably don't know what they're talking about. Imagine my surprise when I found a few nutrition fact based items on the Today Show to help get you over your New Year's Day lack of will power from the night before.

1) Eat before you go out. Even though some places and parties will have some food and what not, you will more than likely be munching on this stuff as you are drinking. Eat a high fat meal before (high fat meals tend to get absorbed more slowly and will therefore delay the absorption of alcohol) you do any drinking.

2) Drink water. Alternating a glass of water in between drinks keeps you hydrated and drinking at a slower pace.

3) Beer before liquor doesn't make you myth. It's just that once you are drinking, you will usually let down your inhibitions and may drink hard alcohol or shots, which you normally would not.  The total amount of alcohol is the real factor.

4) If you do get a something with potassium-a banana, eggs for example and drink a sports drink. When you are hungover you are mostly dehydrated and a sports drink may help replace lost electrolytes.

5)Hair of the dog and coffee actually make your hangover last longer since they are both diuretics and will continue the dehydration (and drunken) process. Stick to water, sports drinks or juice, which has fructose and may help you burn off old alcohol more quickly.

6) Men have a higher amount of alcohol dehydrogenase (the enzyme responsible for breaking down alcohol) in their bodies and more water in their bodies than women-regardless of weight, so quit trying to drink your dude under the table ladies, you'll lose every time!!

Happy New Year!

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