Thursday, March 4, 2010

They say furlough we say hell no.

Okay sorry I am a little excited today.

My friends and I participated in a walk out today on campus to rally against our tuition increases, professor pay cuts, lay offs, class reduction and furlough days. It was so great to be able to vent our frustrations on campus and with so many other people!!

It is so unfair that our school system suffers while San Diego City employees are getting pay raises and while we remain engaged in a billion dollar war abroad. Ever since Proposition 13 making property taxes capped at 2% was passed in California in the 70s, education funding has steadily decreased because this was a huge contributor to funding the school system here. Now, as wealthy property owners enjoy a tax that has not changed since 1978, our UCs and State schools are laying off amazing professors, shutting their doors to in state students, furloughing 9 days a SEMESTER and cutting pay for professors. All this is happening while we pay 32% more in tuition while receiving less and less aid and less and less education.

Whew! That was a rant I know. BUT, if we don't' say anything we will continue to be taken advantage of. I hope our rally today made a difference!!

walk out news coverage

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