freshly caught salmon
a bag of organic mixed greens including kale and Swiss chard
a box of strawberries
pumpkin seeds
hass avocados
I LOVE fresh tomatoes (I am attempting to grow some as we speak) and fresh produce in general and I love even more contributing to my local economy and farmers-these guys need us people! Food should always be bought and sold this way, in my opinion. Food should be local and fresh-not necessarily organic but hey if that's what you like, go for it. Food travels less distance (making it more nutritious) and is grown (or caught in my salmon's case) locally, making you a super amazing locavore by shopping at a farmer's market.
Check out your local chamber of commerce web page for a list of markets in your area.
Oh and a delish tip, I roasted the pumpkin seeds with olive oil and sea salt for a tasty and healthier alternative to croutons for our salads.
Tasty goodies:
Yummy salads:
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