My good friends Jeff and Tara (owner's of Dexterity Salon) came to visit me last week. They brought along their friends Stephen and Stefanie and we just had a grand ol' time. It was so great to hang out with them, I don't get as many visitors as I would think I would living in sunny SoCal, but Utah is a pretty cool place too, so I guess I'm not too insulted. Unfortunately our weather was complete crap but we ended up making the best of things.
They stayed up in Del Mar (about 20 minutes north of us) and they came across this shop up there called "The Frustrated Cowboy"; for obvious reasons this quickly became a running joke. What a name.
Below is a pic of us at Miso Harney sushi in Old Town, miss those cowboys already:(
If the weather had been better, it would have cut into my drinking-champagne-from-a-can time. Thanks for hanging out with us!