I know (believe me I know) how overwhelming it is at the end of a long day to figure out what to make for dinner. It is sooooo tempting to pop something in the microwave or make something convenient that comes out of a box.
I'll save my rant on how much sodium, preservatives and packaging go into processed food and save this post for something we can all appreciate: caca. Literally.
Did you know there is actually an allowable amount of filth the FDA has decided can fall into processed food? There is rodent hair in our chocolate, rodent pellets (poop) in our popcorn, rodent hair/pellets/god knows what else in our flour. It's all right here, in the good old food contaminants and adulteration handbook published by the FDA for all to see in its nasty glory.
FDA allowable contaminants handbook
Now I'm not saying I'm noble or principled enough that I never buy processed products, I do. But limiting the amount of processed foods we eat is not only better for us nutritionally, but health wise as well. That E. coli outbreak last year in the peanut butter? That came from bird feces coming into the factory from vents located in the ceiling. The FDA may have their list, but I'll take my food minus the rat poop thank you very much.
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